Thursday, August 28, 2008
Back to School Ray
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Psst... Hi Karyn!

JB, doesn't it suck that mom is writing more about her friends blog and crap than about us?

Shut up! You're not my mom.

Yeah, you're right. Sorry. Maybe if I could swim like Michael Phelps and set out to win 9 gold medals, she'll start writing about us again.

You can do it!

I should!

Steak sounds good.
Oh sh*t!

I'll take him.


My favorite.

Oh sh*t!

Saturday, August 23, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Highlowaha Week Two Wrap Up
Monday was Name that Tune where we re-wrote the words to the song Kokomo from the movie Cocktail. I'll post my song at the end since it's long.
Tuesday was the Incredible Discus where we had to design a card for National Cream Filled Donut Day on September 14th. My creation lost by .5 point and is pictured below.
Wednesday we threw the Javelin and had to get someone that lived in Montana to post a comment for us. Thank you Jeff Wald at Carroll College in Helena, MT!
a beautiful treat
Friday, August 15, 2008
Belly Buttons
The discussion then led to belly button transplants... what in the world? We're in all born the same. So, when women have tummy tucks sometimes they lose their belly buttons and have to have a transplant! I just didn't know that.
It's not as funny writing about it now because you can't see the other girl in the conversation say, "No Outies! No Outies!" And the guy in our conversation asking at what point do you ask about the belly button. It's topic of conversation during the second date.
Anyway, I know it must not sound funny now but it made me snort.
July & Half of August
Oh well. Get over it.
I can't believe how fast this summer has ZOOMED by! I registered the boys for school last night and next Friday we Meet the Teacher. The first day is August 25th.
The boys in the pool on July 4th.
What did July hold for us.... well, we went to Refugio to celebrate my mom's 70th birthday. That was fun. I realized something while we were there. That was the first time in a long time that I had my mom all to myself without my siblings. It was kind of nice. Not that I don't like my siblings. While we were at home, I went through several boxes of my junk. I can't believe I even bothered to box some of that stuff up! We also went out the grave site where my grandparents are buried.
JB O'Pry at his great-grandfather JB Gumm's graveside.
Mom made it more that clear that she did not want to have a party for her birthday so we decided we would have dinner at my sisters house. What my mom didn't know was that her two sisters and her friend Judy were also coming. When we drove up at 4 and she saw the extra cars, my mom went into panic mode. "Who did you invite?" I didn't invite anyone! And that wasn't a lie. My job was to keep her busy until 4. It was funny and she was pleasantly surprised. It was just the right size for her. Dinner was great. I ate too much.
Mom and Judy drinking champagne.
The last day of July and first weekend of August we went to Wimberley! Yay! It's a close to camping as I will go. The beds leave much to be desired, it's hot with no air conditioning and you have to bring a lot of STUFF to get through the 4 days. Actually, we could take a lot less STUFF and still get by during the 4 days but hey, we're spoiled creatures.
Abby, Drew, Mckenna and JB play Wheel of Fortune. We brought two tv's this year.
The river is so much fun. This year the 2nd cousins (Wilson, Hannah, Duncan, Abby, Mckenna, Drew and JB) went down to the rope swing. It was fun watching them all swing out into the river! I even tried. It was not graceful! I also did not take enough pictures.
We ordered Chinese food, logged into our Virtual Dinner Party on Highlowaha and watched the Olympic Opening Ceremonies on the 8th. That was fun. JB decided he wanted to cheer for Turkey because they have a funny name. To which later he called them the Chickens. Drew opted out of the ceremonies in favor for the Ranger's game- my little sports fan.
Watching the Olympic Opening Ceremonies
This week I have been competing in the Highlowaha Decathlon. The first challenge was creating a caption for a cartoon. The second challenge is a ChampionCHIP bake off. I have my secret ingredient ready. The third challenge was to create a product to help you with your craft products. My product was the Easy Cutter- which one first place. Yesterdays challenge was to create something with a toilet paper roll. I created the Love Chi Windsock. Today's challenge... boggle! UGH! Creative I can do... vocabulary and spelling... not so much. Five more challenges will be announced next week and our baked item is due on the 21st. It's been fun!
Love Chi Windsock for Highlowaha Decathlon. It won 2nd place.
Okay, so the photos are loaded and I'm reposting this post. :)