Friday, February 18, 2011

To Love a Teacher

This past Wednesday evening JB was trying to thread a long piece of yarn string through an empty ribbon spool but the yarn was getting jammed in the spool and wouldn't not come out the hole on the other side. It wasn't a big spool. Probably only about 3 or 4 inches.

I watched him for a little bit and finally asked if he needed some help.
He sighed and told me how he had the yarn through before but couldn't get it back through. He brought it to me defeated. I tried and failed. I picked up a pencil and wound the yarn around a couple of times and we stuck the pencil through and voila! We had yarn threaded through a spool.
I fished for the compliment. A nugget of thanks. "Who's the smartest mom in the whole wide world?"

And wouldn't you know that little stinker thought about it! He hemmed. He hawed. Then he said this:

"Well, not the mom in front of me. Hmmm... I know. Mrs. Bingham! She's a
mom and a teacher."

What a brat!

I promptly got on email and sent this email"

And this was her response:

Well, I'm glad I made her day. You know, she is a pretty smart mom. And, I know she's a great teacher. If I could only convince her to move up to the 5th grade to have both boys in her class again. (They both had her for the 2nd grade.)

She keeps telling me something about 5th graders smelling. Pfft! Like they didn't smell in the second grade!

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