Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Maybe it is something...

and maybe we should stay home one more day. I subscribe to the theory that if it isn't oozing or vomiting, you're not running a fever and you're not passed out on a couch then you're not sick. Go to school.

The nurse called me yesterday saying I needed get Drew's eye checked out. Possible Pink Eye and she would not send him back to class. I left work 15 minutes after I got there and made the commute back to retrieve my "sick" kid.

Instruction to children: You are only allowed to be sick on beautiful days! Not when it's pouring down rain. Thank you for your cooperation.

So we went to the doctor and they say it's Periorbital Cellulitis. An infection in the skin around the eye. Antibiotic- check. Plenty of rest- check. So why does he look like this...

Tuesday morning mug shot:
Well, the radio did say it was going to be a nice day. At least we've got that going for us.


sc00by77 said...

Cheryl honey - you deserve the Mother of the Year Award (LOL). What a handsome young man.

Diana & Aimee

Peggy said...

Poor guy! Almost seems like his brother could have 'popped' him one!!! It's almost a 'SHINEr'