Friday, October 10, 2008


At work on Thursday, a coworker and I were talking about being paranoid about sounds in your home. Whenever I hear a suspicious sound in my home and I go to search out the culprit of the noise, I tell myself, "This is when she gets killed in the horror movies."

Well, then it happened. Last night I was watching TV and I heard a noise outside. It sounded like something gently (or not so gently) hit the house. Maybe a ball or something. It wasn't completely dark yet but definitely dusk. It took me a minute to get the courage up to go look outside. I cautiously turned on the outside light just in case Jason was on my porch. No Jason. Then I bravely unlocked the door and peeked outside. Nothing out of sorts there. I'll just check that my new Halloween ghost decorations are still where I left them. One step out of the door. Check them out. Yep their still there. Hmm. I didn't look any further and went back to watching tv.

When I came out this morning, this is what I saw...

Someone had hit the light post! That's looking back at my house. I am so observant! How did I miss that?

Mystery solved.

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