Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Nothing to see here, Mom - Keep Moving

There is nothing suspicious about my eight year old yelling back to me the other morning, "We'll be waiting in the car, Mom!"

There is nothing suspicious about both boys sitting in the third row seats when I get in the car.

There is nothing suspicious about them being quiet. Very quiet.

There is nothing suspicious about a Matchbox car falling out of your sons pants.

There is nothing suspicious about the same son grabbing himself when said car falls out of his pants and saying, "Ooh! I gotta go to the bathroom!"

There is nothing suspicious about the pockets of the other son bulging out and making a clicking sound.

No, nothing suspicious at all.

The rest played out like this. Drew ran to the bathroom. While he was in the bathroom I looked to JB and said, "How many cars do you have in your pockets?" JB hands over about 5 cars. He runs off. Drew finally comes out of the bathroom where I am waiting patiently. I tell him to put all the cars on the table. He unloads about 8 cars that he had stashed in his underwear. He didn't have any pockets. I tell him to stay put while I locate JB. I ask him how many more he has in his pockets. Here come at least 5 more.

Approximately 18 cars.

Sneaky little liars.

You can't fool me.

I'm a mom.


Peggy said...

What? Are you a car czar or something? Or, is it a rule not to take toys with them? Next time maybe you should get the hot wheels
carrying case.

Cheryl Houston said...

Yes, I should have mentioned that in the post... toys from home are NOT allowed at school and they both know it hence the effort to try and sneak 20 cars past me. I did let each of them keep 1.

sc00by77 said...

Thanks for clearing that no toys from home at school thing. I thought they were stealing cars from the store!-Aimee
Di says hi!