Monday, August 23, 2010

Just Drop Us Off

Me: Look at all the cars! Everyone is walking their kids in. I better walk y'all in.

Them: No, mom. Just drop us off.

Me: Are you sure? I feel bad.

Them: We're sure, mom. Just drop us off.

Me: But I feel like such a bad mom. Everyone else is walking their kids in.

Them: We'll be fine, mom. Just drop us off.

Me: Are you sure? You know where you're going? I don't want you to feel like I don't love you because I didn't walk you in and take your picture with your teacher at your desk on your first day of 3rd and 4th grade.

Them: We're sure, mom. We know where our classes are and you took our picture at home. Just drop us off.

Me: But LOOK at all these parents. I should walk you in.

Them: Just drop us off, mom.

Me: Okay, but I better still get the Mom of the Year Award.

Them: You got it mom. Stop the car.

Me: Okay. Have a good day! I love you. Talk when you're supposed to talk, and listen when you're supposed to listen. Go learn something!


Me: They don't know how lucky they are that I'm willing to just drop them off.

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